PLCAA Christmas Message

The PLCAA – Philippine Language and Cultural Association of Australia, wishes Her Worship, Mayor of Penrith, Councillor Karen Mc-Keown OAM and Penrith community,  a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

At this important time of the year, PLCAA acknowledges the generous support of the Penrith City Council given to our organisation.  The valued assistance by the Neighbourhood Facilities Team in our needs during this Covid pandemic is much appreciated.  On behalf of PLCAA, may I extend our gratitude to Her Worship and Penrith City Council.

May we welcome Christmas with the readiness to impart His love and blessings and to overcome the challenges that the world faces today with prayers and solidarity.

Let the good tidings of our Saviour’s birth, move us to continue working together in an atmosphere of goodwill, faith and enthusiasm.  Something all of us can share and carry forward to fulfilment.

Aida Basto

PLCAA President 2020-2021
